Thursday, September 24, 2009

Lord, send me.

Hey, hey everyone!!
I pray that you, the reader, is doing well spiritually, physically, emotionally, relationally, in every sense.
The enemy has taken great measures lately to get us to loose our focus on Jesus Christ. He knows that the Lord called us here and has and continues to equip us, and that the Kingdom of God will increase as long as we completely trust in Him and allow Him to flow into and through us, - praise His holy name!!!
Now that we’ve settled into the school year, and things aren’t as foreign anymore, we’re really focusing our prayers on God’s “hidden agenda.” Before coming out we knew, more or less, what we’d be doing here. You know, things we knew we could do; build, fix, teach, love, hug kids, encourage, pray for others, etc. Things that don’t necessarily stretch us. Things we can do with our hands. Thing’s that we can do “on our own.“
You see, a few months before we left home, Isaac said to me that he believes that God is calling us to do much more than what we are currently doing at CRIB, school, New Hope, etc. But if God had revealed to us all the things He wants to accomplish in and through us, we would most likely have said, “No Lord, you’ve got the wrong people, send someone else.” - the Moses syndrome: God calls Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt, and Moses says, Lord you’ve got the wrong guy, I don’t speak very well. Send someone else.
And so here we are, serving in different areas, and yet sensing in our spirit that we haven’t yet tapped into all that we’re called to do here.
We believe that God started illuminating His will in this regard almost right after we got here. We were spending a lot of time at the CRIB home, and almost immediately noticed there was a lot of fighting between the kids, they were watching unwholesome movies, listening to music that doesn’t edify their souls, etc.  A person might be tempted to think that this is normal and natural in today’s world, especially in a home with about 50 kids. But this could be very different by the power of God. I mean, for anyone, but also especially for these kids; God hand picked them; they too could have been killed along with many other children during the war; He spared them. He wants them to have an abundant life. Many of these children and teenagers know Jesus as their Saviour; they receive a Christian education and have a number of other Christian influences in their lives. But they also have a lot of strikes against them.
We feel that God is calling us to do a weekly Bible study with the kids. Not just skimming over the surface, shallow stuff, but a deep, Spirit led and filled time of praying/studying/discipling. A time where we would allow the Holy Spirit to use us to speak into these kids’ hearts and lives with words of knowledge, wisdom and prophesy. A time to pray over them for a powerful, life changing, personal encounter and baptism of the Holy Spirit. A time to walk along side them and model purity in heart, a deep love and need for studying the Scripture; a passion for prayer, a complete submission and devotion to Jesus Christ.
Wow, as I read this last paragraph, it hits me again. We can do none of this on our own. None!!!!! We don’t even live like this all the time. We sin; we stumble; we fall; we’re so far from perfect. But praise be to God, He calls sinners saved by grace to “go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.“ Mt 28: 19-20.
So we shared our hearts with Chrissie, the “mama” to the kids; the founder of the orphanage. She informed us that there would be a couple coming in a few weeks, the pastor and his wife from her church in England, and they would be living on site at CRIB for 6 months; their main focus here would be to pour into the kids. At this point we’re like, “okay Lord, did we hear wrong, there’s someone with fantastic credentials coming to minister to the kids, they don’t need us.”  But we told Chrissie that if this couple wanted,  we’d be willing to help them. We continued to pray.
Last week Pastor David and Sheena arrived. They are one dynamite couple! I would guesstimate they’re about 55-60 yrs. old, but boy do they have spunk in them. David is used very powerfully by the Lord in the area of prophesy. This last Sunday we were so blessed to experience, along with 7,000 other people, a huge outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Jabe church. Pastor Edmond was introducing them to the church as they will be doing some work with Jabe, and immediately after the intro., Pastor David opens his mouth and pours forth the heart of God. This released the Spirit, and it was probably 30 minutes before Pastor Edmond could start the message. (By the way, church is always between three and a half to four hours long. We worship for an hour and a half to two hours.)
On Tuesday we were at CRIB after school, and David and Sheena said that Chrissie had told them about our willingness to help them. I wonder how much helping we’ll be doing versus soaking up what this couple has to offer. Please pray for a deep anointing and equipping for us; for eyes that see the kids the way our heavenly Father sees them; for our hugs to soothe hurts and mend broken hearts as if the arms of Jesus were enfolding them; for humble hearts, fully committed to administering all that the Lord imparts to us for these kids. For the kids to allow themselves to be vulnerable and ‘moldable’ by the Potter. Please pray for constant guidance and direction as we seek to be and do all the Lord calls us to.
And finally, pray that we will “Be still, and know that I am God.”
Lord, send me!!
In Christ
Isaac, Rosel and Colton


  1. It's so great to hear how God is doing awesome things over there! I will keep praying!

  2. Hi Guys,

    I am so encouraged to hear your heart. Keep pressing in with your heart for the children. Even if you feel that there are others there that you can learn have much to please don't take the back seat!
    Love in Christ, Linda Wynychuk
