Good Friday - in this country it goes by almost unnoticed it seems; it's business as usual for most people. Makes me sad. May we truly reflect on the indescribable love of both; the Father in giving His Son, and the Son as He paid the price to reconcile sinful man to God.
We're doing well; Colton and I are currently enjoying a 2 week Easter break. Isaac is busy as usual between CRIB, school, Chrissie's, Pastor Ray's, and others.
Next week we are planning on going to Kigali, Rwanda with a good buddy of ours. Scott, who hails from Vermont, has been in Buj. since October of last year. He is setting up an organization for drilling wells for the villages. We're driving up with him, and staying at another good friend, Olivia's (from Colorado) auntie and uncle. So thankful for God's provision.
Planning on visiting the genocide memorials....
We're starting to think more and more about all the things that we have to say bye to in just over 2 months.
I seriously can't imagine being in the west again - I don't know how we'll be able to process everything without going crazy. I mean, I know how, with God's help obviously, but it will be so awfully hard to see/do life in absolutely filthy rich Canada. Excessiveness, waste, greed... I am really dreading that. I think God's going to have to physically hold my mouth shut often times. I know the temptation could be to just try and turn that part of me off completely and go with the flow, but I know that would be like a slap in the face for every person that lives without on this continent. I'm close to tears even now as I think of the extreme contrast. What we're gonna need is balance, and right now I have no idea what that will look like. Oh Jesus help us.
We had a grenade attack with heavy shooting at a communication tower 2 blocks from our house about three weeks ago - closest that it's been to our house up to this point.
Haven't had internet at our house for about the same amount of time... with the exception of a few rare times. However, don't let that stop you from emailing us. It's so encouraging to receive emails when we are able to access them.
Happy Easter!!!! Jesus is Alive!!
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